Your Choice and the eHealth Record
By the end of 2018, every Australian will have an electronic My Health Record unless you choose to opt out between 16 July and 15 October 2018.
For more information please visit or call 1800 723 471
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Coronavirus Outbreak – 28 January 2020
If you have travelled to China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea etc in the past 14 days and have symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat or breathing difficulties, please avoid contact with other people. Do not go into crowded places, or take public transport. You should not go to your […]
Bulk Billed Skin Check Clinic
Spring is a great time to have your skin checked. Dr John Au is offering bulk billed skin checks at Health at Dulwich. Please speak to your doctor and/or our receptionists to book an appointment with Dr John Au for a skin check.